Aspects of Chimera- the many-shaped
Awaken your individual aspects so that you may reach a higher function of each.
Like a many-faceted jewel cut by the skillfull hand of The Creator. You are the exquisite product of His design, and you contain many aspects.
Disclaimer: I will not overstep my boundaries by trying to convert you to MY beliefs; I will not impose my will on you. Your search for the truth is your own. My goal is merely to encourage it, to give you a gentle nudge out the door. My purpose is to bring you out of your comfort zone.
Aspect of Balance
You see it every day, wherever you go; People accentuate the parts of themselves that they perceive to be more acceptable to the outside
Blowing it out of proportion, to mask the parts they don’t like or find unpalatable…Living a lie will eventually cause you to believe it yourself, accepting a facade in certainty will cause you to become a perfection-obsessed insincere shell of a person that will cease to grow in character.
Obsessing over your qualities and hiding your faults however, will not save you from the truth. Not to mention you will be nurturing imbalance in character in the process.
I don’t deny that aesthetics are a necessary part of a healthy everyday life, Art for example is beautiful to the eye, but meant to awaken depth and provoke thought on a less superficial level
Such a shame that our world has taken this overboard to where beauty is taken to ludicrous extremes and losing its inherent message in the process. Beauty is no longer treated subjectively as it should be.
The global mind-set has become phony. It’s all about whose seen where and wearing what, talking this or that egotistical crap about themselves. They become empty and over time, perfect the art of saying nothing in a thousand words, your words reflect who you are, sometimes we speak the wrong words when we are influenced by the wrong things, and always regret projecting the wrong impression. We are all victims at our own hands, subject to our folly. Break free, and the only way to do this is to face the music, so to speak.
Stop trying to accommodate the world and its narcissistic views by becoming like it. Let the world see your flaws in all honesty, let them form their own opinions based on the truth, and you will find yourself gradually surrounded by less and less lies.
Find balance within your life by prioritising the things that do matter , and break contact with the things and people that don’t. to be balanced you cannot be fragmented into pieces of what you are and things you think you should be, Face yourself as a whole without making unnecessary impressions that you will have to take back later; because they turned out to be untruthful. After all if you always lie to yourself about who you are, how could you ever expect to be honest to others?
Build a foundation of truth on where to lay your identity.
As dealt with in the previous chapter ‘Illusions’, I will have supplied you with some of the necessary tools to accomplish this with. Get rid of unnecessary clutter from your life, it’s simple but effective.
Identity is to some, a mind-set, and it is this mind-set you project to the outside, when you project falsely… you become a magnet for the wrong things and people. If you find yourself caught in a bad habit, you CAN change… But growth is stunted by our own stubbornness and the rigidity of our ways.
Be become our thoughts. Our thoughts direct our every action. Take control of the wheel. With BOTH hands.
I leave you with this to think about…
The only ‘spinning out of control’ that you should be doing… is in the flight of freedom.
( see ‘aspects of Chimera ‘)-for the continuation of this lesson
Next chapter
Aspect of Fire
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