Aspects of Chimera- the many-shaped
Awaken your individual aspects so that you may reach a higher function of each.
Like a many-faceted jewel cut by the skillfull hand of The Creator. You are the exquisite product of His design, and you contain many aspects.
Disclaimer: I will not overstep my boundaries by trying to convert you to MY beliefs; I will not impose my will on you. Your search for the truth is your own. My goal is merely to encourage it, to give you a gentle nudge out the door. My purpose is to bring you out of your comfort zone.
The Aspect of Illusion
(An objective look at your ‘smoke and mirrors’)
“There are many false truths we grope at in the dark, but none can be grasped when a true light shines in its stead, for falsity has no substance”-TheChimera
Illusions here riddles there…dispel the illusions you have of yourself, others and your surroundings. Illusions are an obstacle to clarity.
Write Down all your beliefs you have about yourself…that’s right, all of them.(when you’re done, move on to the next section)
Now review them.
Ask yourself why you believe this and how this belief came to be. Scrutinise yourself (this same tactic is used when someone tries to become lucid in a dream…you ask yourself “How did I get here?” when you cannot’s a sign that your dreaming, but that’s a topic for another day and another post)
Push Your Pride Aside, it is a nuisance.
This is the quickest way to humble yourself, it allows you to see yourself through different eyes…It magnifies your flaws. This is a necessary process.
Ask yourself what gives you the right, to be right?
Nothing, it’s an ego thing.
Keep in mind that your perspective on the world is exactly that, It’s YOUR perspective .not necessarily the right one, and others may not always agree with you.
Accept this, and be open to possibilities. With possibilities come opportunities and each come with their own unique strain of learning…
Pride clouds our judgement. With the elimination of selfish pride, comes clarity.
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