Saturday, 26 May 2012

Email me with any details and requests you have for articles…I also write professionally , a freelance student as well…so let me know If you have some work that I could do for you.

mail me at
look forward to hearing from you all
kind regards
Madness suspended in time......
the month is coming to a sure was fun but we are gonna have choose a new topic for the upcoming more MI related topics...(unless by reqeust ofcourse...and the ocaisional rant...maybe)...but come now guys..this blog isnt all about me...Let me know what topics YOU would like for the next months...and i'll brew something up

Friday, 25 May 2012

Forgive me if I start to sound rational...Its just me trying to give form to my thoughts into sense that you can understand them.-theChimera

Its not the destination that matters, but the journey

Just like it is with insanity,it's not the severity thereof

But how fast you get there-TheChimera

My favourite quotes on madness

(if it makes sense to you too then were two peas in a pod..fresh green ..crunchy peas)

No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness. ~ Aristotle

The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you. ~Carl Jung

Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. ~Polonius, Shakespeare's Hamlet

For a while the reveries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securly on a fairy's wing. ~The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitxgerald

And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad. ~Aldous Huxley

Isn't sanity just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is that one trick--rational thinking--but when you're good and crazy, well, the sky's the limit! ~The Tick

The toughest anyone's when you have to kill a loved one just because they're the devil. ~Emo Phillips

We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough. ~Niels Bohr

You say 'Sit down, you're rocking the boat!'; I say 'Are you afraid of getting wet?' ~niebert

Another quote on Insanity by-Pirsig 1991

"Insanity on the other hand is an intellectual pattern. It may have biological causes but it has no physical or biological reality. No scientific instrument can be produced in court to show who is insane and who is sane. There's nothing about insanity that conforms to any scientific law of the universe. The scientific laws of the universe are invented by sanity. There's no way by which sanity, using the instruments of its own creation, can measure that which is outside of itself and its creations. Insanity isn't an "object" of observation. It's an alteration of observation itself. There is no such thing as a "disease" of patterns of intellect. There's only heresy. And that's what insanity really is."

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Silent rage

by TheChimera-  thats me :)

Disenchanted with this life
Blank slate
complacent frustration like the wrathful of Styx
bubbling beneath the surface
insatiable hunger to rage
met halfway with your indifference
your selfish indifference
prodding at my paper-thin patience
my cries for action are met by a disregarding shrug from your shoulders
a mockery of my efforts to breathe beneath the weight of this
my stuttering breath
struggling to contain this
clenching fists
...I’ve left this off for far too long
Rage against you, with every step
My inconceivable silent rage against you
It is only whispered on the corners of my lips,
a grimace
In my heart it is a Terrible maelstrom
rage against you, silent rage against you.
mirrored only in the flash in my eyes

Errare Est Humanum

Aspects of Chimera- the many-shaped

Awaken your individual aspects so that you may reach a higher function of each.

Like a many-faceted jewel cut by the skillfull hand of The Creator. You are the exquisite product of His design, and you contain many aspects.

Disclaimer: I will not overstep my boundaries by trying to convert you to MY beliefs; I will not impose my will on you. Your search for the truth is your own. My goal is merely to encourage it, to give you a gentle nudge out the door. My purpose is to bring you out of your comfort zone.

Aspect of Balance
You see it every day, wherever you go; People accentuate the parts of themselves that they perceive to be more acceptable to the outside
Blowing it out of proportion, to mask the parts they don’t like or find unpalatable…Living a lie will eventually cause you to believe it yourself, accepting a facade in certainty will cause you to become a perfection-obsessed insincere shell of a person that will cease to grow in character.
Obsessing over your qualities and hiding your faults however, will not save you from the truth. Not to mention you will be nurturing imbalance in character in the process.
I don’t deny that aesthetics are a necessary part of a healthy everyday life, Art for example is beautiful to the eye, but meant to awaken depth and provoke thought on a less superficial level
Such a shame that our world has taken this overboard to where beauty is taken to ludicrous extremes and losing its inherent message in the process. Beauty is no longer treated subjectively as it should be.
The global mind-set has become phony. It’s all about whose seen where and wearing what, talking this or that egotistical crap about themselves. They become empty and over time, perfect the art of saying nothing in a thousand words, your words reflect who you are, sometimes we speak the wrong words when we are influenced by the wrong things, and always regret projecting the wrong impression. We are all victims at our own hands, subject to our folly. Break free, and the only way to do this is to face the music, so to speak.
Stop trying to accommodate the world and its narcissistic views by becoming like it. Let the world see your flaws in all honesty, let them form their own opinions based on the truth, and you will find yourself gradually surrounded by less and less lies.
Find balance within your life by prioritising the things that do matter , and break contact with the things and people that don’t. to be balanced you cannot be fragmented  into pieces of what you are and things you think you should be, Face yourself as a whole without making unnecessary impressions that you will have to take back later; because they turned out to be untruthful. After all if you always lie to yourself about who you are, how could you ever expect to be honest to others?
Build a foundation of truth on where to lay your identity.
As dealt with in the previous chapter ‘Illusions’, I will have supplied you with some of the necessary tools to accomplish this with. Get rid of unnecessary clutter from your life, it’s simple but effective.
Identity is to some, a mind-set, and it is this mind-set you project  to the outside, when you project falsely… you become a magnet for the wrong things and people. If you find yourself caught in a bad habit, you CAN change… But growth is stunted by our own stubbornness and the rigidity of our ways.
Be become our thoughts. Our thoughts direct our every action. Take control of the wheel. With BOTH hands.
I leave you with this to think about…
The only ‘spinning out of control’ that you should be doing… is in the flight of freedom.
( see ‘aspects of Chimera ‘)-for the continuation of this lesson
Next chapter
                     Aspect of Fire

Aspects of Chimera- the many-shaped

Awaken your individual aspects so that you may reach a higher function of each.

Like a many-faceted jewel cut by the skillfull hand of The Creator. You are the exquisite product of His design, and you contain many aspects.

Disclaimer: I will not overstep my boundaries by trying to convert you to MY beliefs; I will not impose my will on you. Your search for the truth is your own. My goal is merely to encourage it, to give you a gentle nudge out the door. My purpose is to bring you out of your comfort zone.

The Aspect of Illusion
(An objective look at your ‘smoke and mirrors’)
“There are many false truths we grope at in the dark, but none can be grasped when a true light shines in its stead, for falsity has no substance”-TheChimera
Illusions here riddles there…dispel the illusions you have of yourself, others and your surroundings. Illusions are an obstacle to clarity.
Write Down all your beliefs you have about yourself…that’s right, all of them.(when you’re done, move on to the next section)

Now review them.
Ask yourself why you believe this and how this belief came to be. Scrutinise yourself (this same tactic is used when someone tries to become lucid in a dream…you ask yourself “How did I get here?” when you cannot’s a sign that your dreaming, but that’s a topic for another day and another post)
Push Your Pride Aside, it is a nuisance.
This is the quickest way to humble yourself, it allows you to see yourself through different eyes…It magnifies your flaws. This is a necessary process.
Ask yourself what gives you the right, to be right?
Nothing, it’s an ego thing.
Keep in mind that your perspective on the world is exactly that,  It’s YOUR perspective .not necessarily the right one, and others may not always agree with you.
Accept this, and be open to possibilities. With possibilities come opportunities and each come with their own unique strain of learning…
Pride clouds our judgement. With the elimination of selfish pride, comes clarity.

Friday, 11 May 2012

I’m a Bitch

I hate the world today
You’re so good to me, I know
But I can change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe I’m an angel underneath
In a sentence sweet

Yesterday I cried
Must have been to see the softer side
I can understand how you’d be so confused
I don’t envie you
I’m a little bit of everything
All rolled into one

I’m a bitch I’m a lover
I’m a child I’m a mother
I’m a sinner I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell I’m your dream
I’m nothin’ in between
You know, you wouldn’t want it any other way

So take me as I am
This may mean, you’ll have to be a stronger man
Jused to shooter, when I start to make you nervous
And I’m going to extreme’s
Tomorrow I will change and today won’t mean a thing

I’m a bitch I’m a lover
I’m a child I’m a mother
I’m a sinner I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell I’m your dream
I’m nothin’ in between
You know, you wouldn’t want it any other way

Just when you think
You got me
Figure out the seasons all ready changin’
I think it’s cool, you do what you do
And don’t try to sing this

I’m a bitch I’m a lover
I’m a child I’m a mother
I’m a sinner I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell I’m your dream
I’m nothin’ in between
You know, you wouldn’t want it any other way

I’m a bitch, I’m tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
When you're hurt
When you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numb
I'm revived
Can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way