Sunday 10 February 2013

The unnamed poem-By The Chimera

Since my absence lately has been nothing short of shameful i decided to post a piece I wrote a little while back,Make of it what you will,it has a profound personal meaning to me but what it means to you is up to you to decide, The poem is unnamed and will remain unnamed hence its theme of loss and confusion, I thought it was quite fitting.

art by Zdzisław Beksiński - 1972

Torn away from me, the I that was known to be
Struggling against an impassable tide
In fits and starts
Ripped from the shore, not in sight, a doubtful vision
I swam out to sea
Pandemonium cries over the water
The others came, and filled my spaces with sand
Dust gave rise to beings
Torment their breath
Bedlam’s Genesis
Merry crowd
It tore at my knowing
Knowledge of what was
Lineages passed by my vision in a flash-flood of despair
An innocence lost to the imperative of survival
Ebb and flow back to land, bathed in its naked light, stillborn,
ripped from the womb and tossed squirming on the shore
gasping and prone, face pulled taught in horror
eyes wide in apprehension
the I that was, tore at skin
condemned I am
sealing cracks with brittle bone
before the levies break
The surges of they of me of we and us the nameless I
Raging …the writing on the door…
A sight given light
Ball and chain
No pleasure without pain
Loss before gain…spinning screaming carousel confusion...
     and again
     and again
A knock on the door..
Key in the lock..
Bury it
Bury It
Lock it away
Stash it away
Before you come crashing down.